"Transforming lives, one grace-filled moment at a time."

Welcome to Grace Fellowship Church

Join us as we gather together to worship, connect, and grow in faith. At Grace Fellowship, we believe in the transformative power of God's love to heal and restore broken lives. Whether you're seeking real connection, spiritual growth, or simply a community to journey with, you're welcome here.

Join us for Worship and Fellowship

We invite you to join us for our Sunday worship services, where we come together to lift up the name of Jesus and encounter His presence. Our services are held every Sunday at 10:45am, with Sunday School available at 9:30am for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Word of God. Additionally, we offer Men's and Women's Groups on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, providing opportunities for fellowship, study, and support.

Experience God's Transforming Grace

At Grace Fellowship Church, we believe in the power of God's grace to heal and restore broken lives. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we believe that God offers you the gift of eternal life and freedom from suffering through His redeeming grace. It's a choice, and it's yours to make.

Our Mission and Goal

Our mission is simple: to be faithful disciples of Christ, empowered by His grace to build His kingdom. We strive to shine as a beacon of light in a dark world, spreading God's love and truth to all who will hear.

Part of a Larger Community

Grace Fellowship Church is proud to be a member of Church Venture Northwest, a network of churches dedicated to strengthening, revitalizing, and planting churches across the Pacific Northwest. Together, we envision a covenant community of churches committed to glorifying God, centered on the gospel, and transforming communities through love, mission, and cultural sensitivity.

Join Us in Building God's Kingdom

Whether you’re new to faith or a seasoned believer, there’s a place for you at Grace Fellowship Church. Join us as we journey together, living out the love and truth of Jesus Christ in our community and beyond.

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